HORNADY Superformance Varmint .223 Rem 53Gr V-Max 20rd Box Rifle Ammo (8025)


Superformance Varmint is 100 to 200 fps FASTER than ANY conventional ammunition; Achieve superior accuracy, increased range, flatter trajectory, less wind drift; Polymer tipped Hornady V-MAX or NTX bullets deliver match accuracy and rapid fragmentation; Optimal results are achieved in ALL firearms, including semi-autos; Superformance Varmint ammunition is safe to use in all action types, including semi-autos

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SKU: 8782308421845678308 Category:

Shop HORNADY Superformance Varmint 223 Rem. 53 Grain V-MAX Ammo, 20 Round Box (8025). Buy best Rifle Ammo from gritrsports.com | Reviews and Shipping options available



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