Nosler 223 Remington 40gr Ballistic Tip Lead Free Varmint Rifle Ammo – 20 Rounds


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SKU: 8600105761769423577 Category:

Nosler 223 Remington 40gr Ballistic Tip Lead Free Varmint Rifle Ammo – 20 Rounds – Nosler Ballistic Tip Lead-Free Varmint ammunition is loaded with the reputable Nosler Ballistic Tip Lead-Free Varmint bullet. Suitable for use in all lead-free zones or shooting ranges that require non-magnetic bullets, the Ballistic Tip Lead-Free (BTLF) bullet is everything that varmint and predator hunters expect from a Ballistic Tip, in a lead-free design. Engineered for the same quality and performance that the Ballistic Tip has made famous for over 25 years, the BTLF bullet, combines immediate and complete fragmentation with match grade accuracy for the ultimate lead-free varmint ammunition.



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